Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> On 27.10.2015 11:33, Noeck wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> For some reason, font-size seems to have a minimum.  Value "1" seems to
>>> be the minimum, and anything below that (e.g., 0.1) seems to be rounded
>>> up to 1.  I could be wrong.
>> No, you can see the size as an exponent if you like. These sizes are
>> not: 8pt, 12pt and similar but you can also have 0 or negative numbers.
>> 0.1 is just quite close to 1 (and closer to 0). If you like it really
>> small choose -4 or so.
> In other words: font-size isn’t given as absolute, but as relative
> size, where 0 means ‘normal size’, -6 is half the size, and 6 is twice
> as large.

6 whole steps per octave.  So if I want to illustrate the shrinking of
distances higher up the fretboard, I can just add -0.5 per semitone to
the font-size.  Or something.

David Kastrup

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