Quoting Johan Vromans (jvrom...@squirrel.nl):
> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 21:17:19 +1100
> Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am not convinced evince is very good at anything at all. Would this not
> > be an issue with evince, rather than other parts of the toolchain?
> That could very well be the case. I was just referring to a common workflow
> of 1. create a PDF document, 2. view it for visual inspection, and then
> 3. print it from the viewer.

A very common workflow but IMO a very poor one. If you have problems
printing, where do you start looking for the cause? (for example,
artifacts like those in the right side of your lpev.png).

I only ever print from applications to a file. Then I print the file.

Were I to have a problem, I can now choose assorted appropriate tools
to look at whether the file is correct. I can use those same tools on
files I printed years ago and see if an application's behaviour has
changed (eg evince switched from printing through PS to printing
through PDF around 2009 AIUI).

If the file is correct, I can now examine the printing chain and put
assorted appropriate testfiles through that.

Furthermore, if you print from applications, you have no record of the
options you might have used to get the final output, so you might not
be able to reproduce it if need be.

Having eventually downloaded that PNG (squirrel.nl disappeared from
google's nameservers for a while) I wondered whether the images are
rescans of printouts through glass, or generated through computation.


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