This sounds very strange! First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable version 2.2.x (see instructions at on how to get a package for Debian).
I hope you have realized that ly2dvi has been renamed to lilypond (and the old lilypond to lilypond-bin). Try running lilypond --verbose and see if the printouts give any hints.
Johan Witters wrote:
After using lilypond for a few years now, lilypond does not show any header lines anymore (after upgrading Debianan lilypond to 2.1.0
The .ly file reads:
\header { title = "test" instrument = "Horn in F" } hornNotes = \notes \relative c { \time 2/4 r4 f8 a cis4 f e d } \score { \notes \transpose f c' \hornNotes }
A hint to get the title on the outputfile is highly appreciated.
Johan Witters
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