Not completely sure what you mean in #1, but in #2 the polyphonic shorthand
<< {} \\ {} >> should NEVER be used in a place where there are lyrics
involved. This is because it creates completely new voices during that
section, hence the skips you are seeing. I'd definitely use explicit
voicing anytime there are lyrics to attach to a vocal part. Like this:
vocalNotes = \new Voice = "solo" {
c2 d
{ \voiceOne e4 f g a } % <-- solo notes
\new Voice { \voiceTwo c2 e }
% solo notes continue
b2 c'
If you don't have many polyphonic sections, this is a very effective way to
do this.
On Monday, September 28, 2015, Do something Artistic [via Lilypond] <
ml-node+s1069038n181792...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> I have been working on a piece of music for some time now and cannot seem
> to get the following to happen.
> 1. vocal parts with different measure lengths. Lilypond always seems to
> want to line bars up especially when one bar now has six beats from four or
> changes.
> 2. attach words to a split vocal line of the form << {}\\ {}>> lilypond
> seems to want to just skip over it and go to the next "normal" part.
> Spencer
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