----- Original Message -----
> From: "T. Michael Sommers" <tmsomme...@gmail.com>
> To: "Lilypond-User Mailing List" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 6:37:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Bar numbers seem to be one off
> On 9/26/2015 1:53 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
> > "T. Michael Sommers" <tmsomme...@gmail.com> writes:
> >
> >> It seems that unless I put a
> >>
> >>    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
> >>
> >> at the top of a score, the bar numbers that get printed are one higher
> >> than they should be.  For instance, this, with the above line
> >> commented out, labels the first bar "2". What am I missing?
> >
> > It labels the _second _ bar "2".  Which is entirely correct.
> You mean that the number for bar n appears over bar n - 1 instead of
> over bar n?  That seems a bit counter-intuitive.  Is that standard
> musical notation?

I think maybe you did not understand clearly what David Kastrup said.  When 
counting bar numbers, incomplete bars at the beginning are *not* counted.  In 
your example you start with:

     \set Score.currentBarNumber = #0

     r2. r2 b4 |

...which is a *complete* bar, and, therefor, is counted even though it contains 
only a pick-up note.  In order to get the next bar which is the first complete 
bar numbered as '1' you should write:

     \partial 4

     b4 |

LilyPond follows standard music printing practice.  Bar numbers will appear at 
the left end of the measure and incomplete bars at the beginning will not be 
counted **provided that you indicated they are incomplete by using \partial.**


> --
> T.M. Sommers -- tmsomme...@gmail.com -- ab2sb
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