On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 7:35 AM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 6:54 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> the following open-coded loop is
>> both opaque and inefficient (namely O(n^2) as _appending_ to a list is
>> an O(n) operation):
> OK, thanks! Will update accordingly.
I removed that idiom from the code, so it should be somewhat more efficient.
I incorporated the changes into your file, Simon, to avoid confusion. For
the most part, this involved simple copy-and -paste. I did make some
manual changes to the redefinition of \startTextSpan, namely removal of the
unused variable "padding".
I don't have a solution for the problem you began the thread with.
\version "2.19.27"
%%% Main author: David Nalesnik
%%% modifications by Simon Albrecht
%%% version: 0.2.1
% Taken from http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user%40gnu.org/msg97663.html
% (Paul Morris)
% function from "scm/define-grob-properties.scm" (modified)
#(define (cn-define-grob-property symbol type?)
(set-object-property! symbol 'backend-type? type?)
(set-object-property! symbol 'backend-doc "custom grob property")
% For internal use.
#(cn-define-grob-property 'text-spanner-stencils list?)
% user interface
#(cn-define-grob-property 'text-spanner-line-count number-list?)
% How much space between line and object to left and right?
% Default is '(0.0 . 0.0).
#(cn-define-grob-property 'line-X-offset number-pair?)
% Vertical shift of connector line, independenf of texts.
#(cn-define-grob-property 'line-Y-offset number?)
#(define (get-text-distribution text-list line-extents)
;; Given a list of texts and a list of line extents, attempt to
;; find a decent line distribution. The goal is to put more texts
;; on longer lines, while ensuring that first and last lines are texted.
;; TODO: ideally, we should consider extents of text, rather than
;; simply their number.
(let* ((line-count (length line-extents))
(text-count (length text-list))
(map (lambda (line) (interval-length line))
(total-line-len (apply + line-lengths))
(map (lambda (line-len)
(* text-count (/ line-len total-line-len)))
;; First and last lines can't be untexted.
(let loop ((epl exact-per-line) (idx 0) (result '()))
(if (null? epl)
(reverse! result)
(if (and (or (= idx 0)
(= idx (1- line-count)))
(< (car epl) 1))
(loop (cdr epl) (1+ idx)
(cons 1.0 result))
(loop (cdr epl) (1+ idx)
(cons (car epl) result)))))))
;; The idea is to raise the "most roundable" line's count, then the
;; "next most roundable," and so forth, until we account for all texts.
;; Everything else is rounded down (except those lines which need to be
;; bumped up to get the minimum of one text), so we shouldn't exceed our
;; total number of texts.
;; TODO: Need a promote-demote-until-flush to be safe, unless this is
;; mathematically sound!
(define (promote-until-flush result)
(let* ((floored (map floor result))
(total (apply + floored)))
(if (>= total text-count)
;(format #t "guess: ~a~%~%~%" result)
(let* ((decimal-amount
(map (lambda (x) (- x (floor x))) result))
(maximum (apply max decimal-amount))
(lambda (x) (= x maximum))
(item-to-bump (list-ref result max-location)))
;(format #t "guess: ~a~%" result)
(list-set! result max-location (1+ (floor item-to-bump)))
(promote-until-flush result)))))
(let ((result (map inexact->exact
(promote-until-flush adjusted))))
(if (not (= (apply + result) text-count))
;; If this doesn't work, discard, triggering crude
;; distribution elsewhere.
#(define (get-broken-connectors grob text-distribution connectors)
"Modify @var{connectors} to reflect line breaks. Return a list
of lists of booleans representing whether to draw a connecting line
between successive texts."
;; The variable 'connectors' holds a list of booleans representing whether
;; a line will be drawn between two successive texts. This function
;; transforms the list of booleans into a list of lists of booleans
;; which reflects line breaks and the additional lines which must be drawn.
;; Given an input of '(#t #t #f)
;; '((#t #t #f))
;; one_ _ _ _two_ _ _ _ _three four (one line)
;; '((#t #t)
;; one_ _ _ _two_ _ _ _ _ (two lines)
;; (#t #f))
;; _ _ _ _three four
;; '((#t)
;; one_ _ _ _ (four lines/blank)
;; (#t #t)
;; _ _ _two_ _ _
;; (#t)
;; _ _ _ _ _ _ _
;; (#t #f))
;; _ _three four
(let ((text-distribution (vector->list text-distribution)))
(if (pair? connectors)
(let loop ((td text-distribution)
(joins connectors)
(result '()))
(if (null? td)
(reverse! result)
(let inner ((texts (car td))
(bools joins)
(inner-result '()))
((null? (cdr texts))
(loop (cdr td) bools
(cons (reverse! inner-result) result)))
;; Ignore spacers since they don't represent a new line.
((equal? "" (cadr texts))
(inner (cdr texts) bools inner-result))
((equal? (cadr texts) #{ \markup \null #})
(inner (cdr texts) bools
(cons (car bools) inner-result)))
(inner (cdr texts) (cdr bools)
(cons (car bools) inner-result)))))))
#(define (get-line-arrangement siblings extents texts)
"Given a list of spanner extents and texts, return a vector of lists
of the texts to be used for each line. Using @code{'()} for @var{siblings}
returns a vector for an unbroken spanner."
(let ((sib-len (length siblings)))
(if (= sib-len 0)
;; only one line...
(make-vector 1 texts)
(let* ((texts-len (length texts))
(car siblings) 'text-spanner-line-count))
((pair? text-counts) text-counts) ; manual override
((null? siblings) '())
(else (get-text-distribution texts extents))))
(if (and (pair? text-counts)
(not (= (apply + text-counts) texts-len)))
(ly:warning "Count doesn't match number of texts.")
(text-lines (make-vector sib-len 0))
;; If user hasn't specified a count elsewhere, or
;; 'get-text-distribution' failed, we have this method.
;; Populate vector in a simple way: with two lines,
;; give one text to the first line, one to the second,
;; a second for the first, and second for the second--
;; and so forth, until all texts have been exhausted. So
;; for 3 lines and 7 texts we would get this arrangement:
;; 3, 2, 2.
((null? text-counts)
(let loop ((txts texts) (idx 0))
((null? txts) text-lines)
;; We need to ensure that the last line has text.
;; This may require skipping lines.
((and (null? (cdr txts))
(< idx (1- sib-len))
(= 0 (vector-ref text-lines (1- sib-len))))
(vector-set! text-lines (1- sib-len) 1)
(vector-set! text-lines idx
(1+ (vector-ref text-lines idx)))
(loop (cdr txts)
(if (= idx (1- sib-len)) 0 (1+ idx)))))))
(else (set! text-lines (list->vector text-counts)))))
;; read texts into vector
(let loop ((idx 0) (texts texts))
(if (= idx sib-len)
(let ((num (vector-ref text-lines idx)))
(vector-set! text-lines idx
(list-head texts num))
(loop (1+ idx)
(list-tail texts num)))))))
#(define (add-markers text-lines)
;; Markers are added to the broken edges of spanners to serve as anchors
;; for connector lines beginning and ending systems.
;; Add null-markup at the beginning of lines 2...n.
;; Add null-markup at the end of lines 1...(n-1).
;; Note: this modifies the vector 'text-lines'.
(let loop ((idx 0))
(if (= idx (vector-length text-lines))
(if (> idx 0)
(vector-set! text-lines idx
(cons #{ \markup \null #}
(vector-ref text-lines idx))))
(if (< idx (1- (vector-length text-lines)))
(vector-set! text-lines idx
(append (vector-ref text-lines idx)
(list #{ \markup \null #}))))
(loop (1+ idx))))))
%% Adapted from 'justify-line-helper' in scm/define-markup-commands.scm.
#(define (markup-list->stencils-and-extents-for-line grob texts extent)
"Given a list of markups @var{texts}, return a list of stencils and extents
spread along an extent @var{extent}, such that the intervening spaces are
(let* ((orig-stencils
(map (lambda (a) (grob-interpret-markup grob a)) texts))
(map (lambda (stc)
(if (ly:stencil-empty? stc X)
(ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr stc)
'(0 . 0) (ly:stencil-extent stc Y))
(line-width (interval-length extent))
(map (lambda (stc) (ly:stencil-extent stc X))
(map (lambda (te) (interval-length te)) text-extents))
(apply + (map (lambda (te) (interval-length te))
(total-fill-space (- line-width total-text-length))
(word-count (length line-contents))
(padding (/ (- line-width total-text-length) (1- word-count)))
;; How much shift is necessary to align left edge of first
;; stencil with extent? Apply this shift to all stencils.
(map (lambda (stc)
(- (car extent) (caar text-extents))))
;; Make a list of stencils and their extents, such that they
;; are spread across the line with equal space ('padding') in
;; between.
(let loop ((contents line-contents) (exts text-extents)
(lengths text-lengths)
(shift 0.0) (result '()))
(if (null? contents)
(reverse! result)
(cdr contents) (cdr exts) (cdr lengths)
(+ shift (car lengths) padding)
(car contents)
(coord-translate (car exts) shift))
;; Remove non-marker spacers from list of extents. This is done
;; so that a single line is drawn to cover the total gap rather
;; than several. (A single line is needed since successive dashed
;; lines will not connect properly.)
(let loop ((orig stencils-shifted-extents-list) (idx 0) (result '()))
((= idx (length stencils-shifted-extents-list))
(reverse! result))
;; Ignore first and last stencils, which--if point stencil--
;; will be markers.
((or (= idx 0)
(= idx (1- (length stencils-shifted-extents-list))))
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (car orig) result)))
;; Remove spacers. Better way to identify them than comparing
;; left and right extents?
((= (cadar orig) (cddar orig))
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx) result))
;; Keep any visible stencil.
(else (loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (car orig) result)))))))
#(define (check-for-overlaps stil-extent-list)
(let* ((collision
(lambda (line)
(let loop ((exts line) (result '()))
(if (null? (cdr exts))
(reverse! result)
(loop (cdr exts)
(not (interval-empty?
(cdar exts) (cdadr exts))))
;; List of lists of booleans comparing first element to second,
;; second to third, etc., for each line. #f = no collision
(map (lambda (line) (collision line))
;; For now, just print a warning and return #t if any collision anywhere.
;; Returned boolean is not used elsewhere, but keep it in case.
(let loop ((lines all-successive-collisions) (idx 0) (collisions? #f))
((null? lines) collisions?)
((any (lambda (p) (eq? p #t)) (car lines))
"overlap(s) found on line ~a; redistribute manually"
(1+ idx))
(loop (cdr lines) (1+ idx) #t))
(loop (cdr lines) (1+ idx) collisions?))))))
#(define (make-distributed-line-stencil grob stil-stil-extent-list connectors)
"Take a list of stencils and arbitrary extents and return a combined
stencil conforming to the given extents. Lines are drawn/not drawn between
stencils if specified by @code{#t} or @code{#f} in @var{connectors}."
(let* ((padding (ly:grob-property grob 'line-X-offset (cons 0.0 0.0)))
(padding-L (car padding))
(padding-R (cdr padding))
(let loop ((orig stil-stil-extent-list) (idx 0) (result '()))
((= idx (length stil-stil-extent-list))
(reverse! result))
;; don't widen line markers
((= (cadar orig) (cddar orig))
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (car orig) result)))
;; right padding only if object starts line
((= idx 0)
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (caar orig)
(cdar orig) (cons 0 padding-R)))
;; left padding only if object ends a line
((= idx (1- (length stil-stil-extent-list)))
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (caar orig)
(cdar orig) (cons (- padding-L) 0.0)))
;; otherwise right- and left-padding
(loop (cdr orig) (1+ idx)
(cons (caar orig)
(cdar orig)
(cons (- padding-L)
;; Spaces between the text stencils will be filled with lines.
(if (> (length padded-stencils-extents-list) 1)
(let loop ((orig padded-stencils-extents-list)
(result '()))
(if (null? (cdr orig))
(reverse! result)
(cdr orig)
(cdr (cdr (first orig)))
(car (cdr (second orig))))
;; Begin building stencil return with text stencils. Add
;; connectors below.
(lambda (elem prev)
;; so we don't add empty-stencil to stencil result
(if (ly:stencil? prev) prev (car prev))
(car elem)
(- (cadr elem)
(car (ly:stencil-extent (car elem) X)))
;; By default, lines are drawn between all texts
(join-all (or (null? connectors)
(eq? #t connectors)))
(offset-Y (ly:grob-property grob 'line-Y-offset 0.0))
;; Make connectors stencils. As they are built, add
;; them to stencil-in-progress.
(let loop ((sps spaces)
(joins connectors)
(result line-contents))
(if (null? sps)
(cdr sps)
(or join-all
(and (pair? joins) (cdr joins)))
(if (and
;; space too short for line
(not (interval-empty? (car sps)))
(or join-all
(and (pair? joins) (car joins))))
;(make-line-stencil 0.1
;; For versions < 2.19.27, replace line below with
;; commented line. No dashed lines!
(ly:line-interface::line grob
(caar sps) offset-Y
(cdar sps) offset-Y))
#(define (make-stencils grob siblings stil-extent-list connectors)
;; entry point for stencil construction
(if (null? siblings)
(list (make-distributed-line-stencil grob
(car stil-extent-list)
(if (pair? connectors)
(car connectors)
(map (lambda (sib)
(let ((me (list-index
(lambda (x) (eq? x sib))
(make-distributed-line-stencil sib
(list-ref stil-extent-list me)
(if (pair? connectors)
(list-ref connectors me)
extractLyricEventInfo =
#(define-scheme-function (lst) (ly:music?)
"Given a music expression @var{lst}, return a list of pairs. The
@code{car} of each pair is the text of any @code{LyricEvent}, and the
@code{cdr} is a boolean representing presence or absence of a hyphen
associated with that @code{LyricEvent}."
;; TODO: include duration info, skips?
(map (lambda (elt)
(let* ((text (ly:music-property elt 'text))
(hyphen (extract-named-music elt 'HyphenEvent))
(hyphen? (pair? hyphen)))
(cons text hyphen?)))
(extract-named-music lst 'LyricEvent)))
startTextSpanDefault = \startTextSpan
%% Based on addTextSpannerText, by Thomas Morley. See
%% http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user%40gnu.org/msg81685.html
startTextSpan =
#(define-music-function (arg) (ly:music?)
(let* ((texts-and-connectors (extractLyricEventInfo arg))
(texts (map car texts-and-connectors))
(lambda (grob)
(let* (;; have we been split?
(orig (ly:grob-original grob))
;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings)
(siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
(ly:spanner-broken-into orig)
(stils (ly:grob-property grob 'text-spanner-stencils)))
;; If stencils haven't been calculated, calculate them. Once
;; we have results prompted by one sibling, no need to go
;; through elaborate calculation (stencils, collisions, ideal
;; line contents...) for remaining pieces.
(if (null? stils)
(let* (;; pieces and their default stencils
(if (null? siblings) ; unbroken
(list (cons grob
(ly:line-spanner::print grob)))
(lambda (sib)
(cons sib (ly:line-spanner::print sib)))
(map (lambda (gs) (cdr gs)) grobs-and-stils))
(map (lambda (s) (ly:stencil-extent s X))
(cdr (find (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) grob))
(define (get-stil-extent-list text-distrib)
(if (null? siblings)
(vector-ref text-distrib 0)
(ly:stencil-extent our-stil X)))
(lambda (sib)
(vector-ref text-distrib
(lambda (y) (eq? y sib)) siblings))
(cdr (find
(lambda (z) (eq? (car z) sib))
(;; vector which gives the text for unbroken spanner
;; or for siblings. This is a preliminary
;; arrangement, to be tweaked below.
(get-line-arrangement siblings line-extents texts))
(text-distribution (add-markers text-distribution))
(connectors (map cdr texts-and-connectors))
(get-broken-connectors grob text-distribution connectors))
(get-stil-extent-list text-distribution))
;; warning printed
(overlaps (check-for-overlaps all-stils-and-extents))
;; convert stencil/extent list into finished stencil
grob siblings all-stils-and-extents connectors)))
(if (null? siblings)
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'text-spanner-stencils)
(lambda (sib)
(ly:grob-property sib 'text-spanner-stencils)
(set! stils line-stils))))
;; Return our stencil
(if (null? siblings)
(car stils)
(list-ref stils
(list-index (lambda (x) (eq? x grob)) siblings)))))))
(if (< (length texts) 2)
(ly:warning "At least two texts required for text spanner.")
(make-music 'Music))
;; The following tweaks of 'bound-details are needed to give the
;; correct length to the default spanner we replace.
(tweak '(bound-details left text) (car texts)
(tweak '(bound-details left-broken text) #f
(tweak '(bound-details right text) (last texts)
(tweak '(bound-details right-broken text) #f
(tweak 'stencil spread-text-stencil startTextSpanDefault))))))))
%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\markup \bold "Default (no inner text possible)"
\relative c'' {
%\override TextSpanner.thickness = 5
\override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"ral"
\override TextSpanner.bound-details.left-broken.text = ##f
\override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = #"do"
\override TextSpanner.bound-details.right-broken.text = ##f
\markup \bold "All on one line"
\relative c' {
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { ral -- len -- tan -- do }
\markup \bold "Broken"
\relative c' {
%% to show collision detection
%\override TextSpanner.text-spanner-line-count = #'(2 2)
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { ral -- len -- tan -- do }
\markup \bold "Empty line/manual distribution"
\relative c' {
\override TextSpanner.text-spanner-line-count = #'(1 0 1 1)
c1~-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { one -- two -- three }
\markup \bold "Changes of ends"
\relative c' {
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { one -- two -- three }
\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.padding = #-2
\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.padding = #-5
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { one -- two -- three }
\markup \bold "Markups"
\relative c' {
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode {
\markup "one" -- \markup "two" -- \markup "three"
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode {
\markup "one" --
\markup \with-color #red \translate #'(-3 . 0) "two" --
\markup "three"
\override TextSpanner.style = #'dotted-line
\override TextSpanner.dash-period = #0.5
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode {
\markup \right-align "one" --
"two" --
\markup \center-align "three" --
\relative c'' {
\override TextSpanner.style = #'zigzag
\override TextSpanner.line-X-offset = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode
\markup \draw-circle #1 #0.2 ##f --
\markup \with-color #grey \draw-circle #1 #0.2 ##t --
\markup \draw-circle #1 #0.2 ##t --
\markup \with-color #grey \draw-circle #1 #0.2 ##t --
\markup \draw-circle #1 #0.2 ##f --
d'1 d\stopTextSpan
\markup \bold "Showing/hiding connectors"
\relative c' {
\override TextSpanner.padding = 3
\override TextSpanner.text-spanner-line-count = #'(4 0 1)
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode {
poco a poco dim. -- \markup \dynamic "mf"
c1 c1
c1 c1 c1 c1
c1 c1 c1
\markup \bold "Raising/lowering of connector line"
\relative c' {
\override TextSpanner.line-X-offset = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
\override TextSpanner.line-Y-offset = 0.5
c1-\startTextSpan \lyricmode { ral -- len -- tan -- do }
% See http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/opera-and-stage-musicals#dialogue-over-music
music = \relative {
\override TextSpanner.text-spanner-line-count = #'(8 5)
a'4-\tweak font-shape #'upright -\startTextSpan \lyricmode {
\markup \fontsize #1 \upright \smallCaps Abe:
Say this over measures one and two
and this over measure three
} a a a
a4 a a a
a4 a a a\stopTextSpan
\new Staff {
\layout {
indent = 0
ragged-right = ##f
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