David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

> Definitely softens the blow!  (While we're here--though it doesn't
> affect the user--I should have omitted the "parser location" from the
> extractTexts function.  New tricks, old dog.)

In Germany, there is a sort of New Year's Eve tradition of broadcasting
(and viewing) a two-person sketch "Dinner for One" where a butler serves
"Miss Sophie" and her traditional guests all of which have passed away
since the tradition started and are substituted for by the butler who,
having to do the toasts for every missing party, becomes inebriated
rather speedily.

As a running gag, whenever the butler serves a new dish or drink, he
stumbles on the head of a tiger pelt, cursing it.  Near the end of the
sketch, he just walks past the head, to the surprise of everybody
including himself as stumbling over it has become part of the routine.

parser location.

David Kastrup

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