Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> On 19.09.2015 22:48, David Kastrup wrote:
>> However, (re-)using engravers for the "picking apart" bit in a context
>> without its own vertical axis group might be an interesting option.
>> Want several text spanners?  Use several contexts.
> This reminds me: the ‘standard’ use case for this kind of text spanner
> is ri -- tar -- dan -- do or the like, i.e. actually a Tempo Spanner
> <>. It would make
> sense to have this in a separate context (TempoLine?) at the top of
> the system. However, as I already said in the issue, tempo spanners
> should correspond to MetronomeMarks in syntax, so this would require
> complete abandoning of the current \tempo syntax, wouldn’t it?
> Alternatively, we might retain the current method as is and add a new
> one with support for tempo spanners, entered in a manner alike to
> lyrics entering:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%
> timeTrack = {
>   \time 3/4
>   Prestissimo2.
>   \bar "||"
>   \time 2/2
>   Larghetto1*4
>   ral2 -- len --
>   tan -- do
>   s1
>   \bar "|."
> }

More like

timeTrack = \lyricmode {
  \time 3/4
  \bar "||"
  \time 2/2
  ral2 -- len --
  tan -- do
  \skip 1
  \bar "|."

namely with some small changes bringing it back into the embrace of
currently supported syntax.

David Kastrup

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