james <james.lilyp...@googlemail.com> writes:

>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 11:37 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> commit 555eba6c5d21610b1ad87a68a4304946212fb69d
>> Author: David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>
>> Date:   Mon Aug 24 09:13:31 2015 -0500
>>    Don't print redundant flags in chords
>>    This patch adds a check to lily/stem-engraver.cc which ensures that only
>>    one Flag grob appears for a given Stem grob.  Previously, a flag
>> was created
>>    and printed for each note of a chord.
>> resolved in 2.19.26.  So you are likely not to see this problem in this
>> form in future.  But the positioning of the single flag (or other stuff
>> then related to it) might still be bad.  Maybe a font metric problem?
> Oh, I probably should have mentioned I'm using 2.18.2. But it sounds
> like you're saying if I upgrade to 2.19.26, I shouldn't see the
> problem.

Well, the commit fixed the PDF file containing multiple copies of the
flags printed on top of each other.

"The problem" in your case, however, is that the flags were _not_
printed on top of each other.  Whatever has caused that problem is
likely _not_ fixed and likely happens in your printer driver or whatever
it is that converts PDF (I assume you are printing via PDF rather than
LilyPond-produced PostScript directly which would, given our current
manner of PDF creation, likely create superior results) to the printer

I don't know whether this positioning bug only triggers for multiple
characters printed in exact the same place.

Since it apparently does not occur with PDF viewing for you but rather
than just with printing, it is likely a problem outside of the control
of LilyPond.

In summary: it is likely that the problem is still there, but it won't
be visible as the flag shadow symptom in particular any more.  But there
may be other less conspicuous symptoms.

David Kastrup

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