I just want to say that there's a reason to put large time signature, : in my opinion this is quite useful from the conductor point of view: in a ensemble or orchestral score, maybe written using lots of contemporary music resources (I mean, full of indications, special or custom notation) but with a rich, complex, continuosly changing, and precise metrical structure, the conductor need to see immediatly at least the time signatures; i.e. lots of Boulez scores have an "invisible staff" for the conductor (without staff lines), with large time signatures and the subdivision of the metre using the - so called in Lilypond - Measure Grouping signs. In any case, as you said, is a praxis quite common, now: many of Ligeti, Stockhausen, Ferneyough, Grisey, Berio, Lutoslawski scores use that way.
Libero Mureddu
Il giorno 07/set/04, alle 12:44, Kim Bastin ha scritto:
On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 11:21:15 +0200, Arvid Grøtting wrote:
Kim Bastin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Well, I could give "scores" of examples, but I'm not sure what pieces or editions you can conveniently consult. Anyway, here are a few from one pile of music on my shelves:
Schoenberg: Klavierstück Op. 33a, Universal-Edition Nr. 9773
Schoenberg: Klavierstück Op. 33b, Belmont Music Publishers BEL 1003
Schoenberg: Sechs Stücke für Klavier zu vier Händen (1896). Belmont
Music Publishers BEL-1019
Schoenberg: Fünf Klavierstücke Op. 23, Wilhelm Hansen Edition nr. 2326
Schoenberg: Suite Op. 29, Universal Edition UE 8685
Schoenberg: Sechs Stücke für Männerchor. Bote & Bock, Berlin (a
different style to the above)
Ah. Schönberg. Like I guessed to myself.
Can this style be emulated in Lilypond?
Let me ask you a question, quite seriously, coming from a singer having to read such music once in a while:
Why would you want to?
(I'm a tenor, so the line I read is close to the number that actually changes. It's still quite a nuisance.)
Because it's a recognised and long-established engraving style. If a composer or publisher wants it, I should be able to supply it.
Kim Bastin
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