Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> Hello,
> I’ve written a music function which applies some tweaks on dynamics to
> offset them. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to use the offset music
> function on X-offset, because it is a mutable property.

What does that mean?  Any relation to issue 4516 here?

> Thus I have to add a displacement for DynamicText so that it is not
> aligned to its baseline, but to the ‘center’ like normally.  Now, it
> would help if the music function could find out by itself whether to
> apply this displacement, depending on which grob it is applied to. As
> an example (attached also): %%%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.27"
> test =
> #(define-music-function (ev) (ly:music?)
>    (tweak 'color red ev))
> {
>   c''-\test \> g'-\test \f
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%
> How can I modify the function so that only the DynamicText is colored,
> the Hairpin isn’t?

Uh, (tweak '(DynamicText color) red ev) maybe?  Seems rather

David Kastrup

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