Hello folks,

Trying to define a function using the solution provided by this list, I bump 
into the following: 
        - I have to use \relative before \poorMansOssia, otherwise the music in 
the "ossia" is taken into account to determine the following note’s octave;
        - there’s a missing bar in the first staff, can’t find where to put the 
« | » to get it;
        - the "ossia" in the second staff is offset to the right, while it 
isn’t in the first one.

There are clearly things I don’t master yet in LP…
Thanks for your help!


\version "2.19.25"

poorMansOssia =
#(define-music-function (parser location music)(ly:music?)
     \new Voice {
       \hide NoteHead
       \override NoteHead.no-ledgers = ##t
       \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
       \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.28
       \override Stem.thickness = #0.7

\relative c' {
  \time 4/8

  d2 - \markup{ \italic "rall."}  ~ | % 8

      \override Beam.collision-voice-only = ##t
      d8 [
      \tempo "A tempo"
      d'16 \pp -. g,16 -. ]
    { \relative \poorMansOssia {c'''16 [ c ] s16 s16} }
      \override Beam.collision-voice-only = ##t
      d8 [
      \tempo "A tempo"
      d'16 \pp -. g,16 -. ]
    { \relative \poorMansOssia {c'''16 [ c ] s16 s16} }

  \bar "|."

MouvementDeuxESSAI =  \relative bes {
  \key bes \major
  \clef "bass"
  \time 4/8

  r8 f8 ( [ c8 cis8 -- ] | % 7
  d2 ) ~ | % 8

      d8 [
      \tempo "A tempo"
      d'16 \pp -. g,16 -. ]
      \relative { \poorMansOssia { c'16 [ c ] s16 s16 } }

  g4 ~ -- | % 9
  g2 | % 10
  \bar "|."

{ \MouvementDeuxESSAI }

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