Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
Hi list, ands thanks again for your support !
My new problem is with time signature changes. Here's my .ly, with lily2.0.1 on XP :
\version "2.0.1" \score { \notes { \time 2/2 { a'1 a1 \once \property Score.timing = ##f a\breve \bar "||" \time 3/4 a2. a2. \bar "|." } } \paper {} \header {} }
The pb is that after the \breve and \bar "||", it seems that "automatic barnlining" is off. I have next 2 dotted half notes without barline between.
I'm not sure exactly how \once works in this context. I would rather try to set and then reset the property explicitly:
\property Score.timing = ##f a\breve \bar "||" \property Score.timing = ##t \time 3/4
Another possibility is to fool LilyPond into thinking that the a\breve only lasts for a bar by saying a\breve*1/2 The printout will still be correct.
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