I'm still a LilyPond newbie...

As a retired Bell Labs engineer, I can honestly say that I have found LilyPond 
to be harder than learning vi, troff/nroff, and shell scripts.  (Maybe it's 
age, maybe it's having been out of the field for 7+ years, or maybe it's just 
that I was never an actual programmer...)

I am a volunteer church musician and use LilyPond to "scribble out" music for 
services - usually for setting alternate words to a given harmonization (with 
adjustments) for the cantor & guitarists, for writing viola parts for a given 
melody, or for setting knew set of words to an alternate accompaniment (so I 
can simultaneously sing one and play the other).

I found LilyPond more than I could handle, so I use Frescobaldi when preparing 
snippets, since it helps me with debugging & lets me see what I've written 
(never underestimate immediate gratification... Or immediate "whoops!" 

I learned of the Utopia project when using a LilyPond engraving of BWV 680 

Since it's still new (6 months or so), I do find it a challenge...

Karen S. Billings CAGO

> On Sep 10, 2015, at 7:00 AM, Peter Bjuhr <peterbj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2015-08-26 22:10, Urs Liska wrote:
>>> This thread makes me wonder: what's the average age of LilyPond users
>>> >and
>>> >developers?
>> Remind me in two weeks and I'll start a poll on Scores of Beauty ...
> I send in this reminder not because I'm especially interested in ages, but it 
> would be interesting to know more about stuff like editor usage and if 
> LilyPond is used for original compositions or for engraving existing 
> compositions.
> Best
> Peter
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