I've seen contemporary scores that follow the following basic rules:

All notes within the pulse value (say, a quarter-note in 4/4) are beamed
into one group. If the total group has values shorter than a 16th (this
includes 16th-note tuplets) then only the first beam carries across the
whole group, and all other beams are broken at the 8th-note. In the OP's
example, this would mean four groups of 32nd notes under one single beam,
but the 2nd and 3rd beams subdivided.

This seems a reasonable approach, but I sometimes have trouble getting Lily
to do it without using overrides. Is there a simple rule I could put at the
top of the file that would do this?



On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>

> Hello Richard,
> Am 08.09.2015 um 13:43 schrieb Richard Shann:
>> The attached bit of 18th century typesetting shows an 8.[ 32 32] beamed
>> group and a series of  32[ 32 32  32] beamed groups in a 2/4 time
>> signature. This is quite typical of the period and is IMHO more legible
>> than if the 1/32 notes were beamed in larger groups.
> Of course.
> Can this be done by auto-beaming rules in LilyPond?
>> My attempt follows - I have created two bars beamed manually and
>> followed with two bars which I hope to auto-beam by feeding the first
>> two bars to  \beamExceptions.
>> 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8>< 8><
>> \version "2.19.5"
>> MvmntIVoiceI = {
>>           e''8.[ fis''32 g''] e''8.[ fis''32 g'']
>>           c'32[ d'32 e' f'] c'32[ d'32 e' f'] c'32[ d'32 e' f'] c'32[
>> d'32 e' f']
>>           c'32 d' e' f' c' d' e' f' c' d' e' f' c' d' e' f'
>>           e''8.( fis''32 g'') e''8.( fis''32 g'')
>> }
>> \layout {
>>      \overrideTimeSignatureSettings 2/4 1/4 #'(1 1) \beamExceptions { 8.[
>> 32 32] 8.[ 32 32] |
> OK, the problem is that the NR doesn’t describe the limitations set for
> using \beamExceptions. One exception can always only use one duration, not
> different ones. This is because internally \beamExceptions creates a Scheme
> nested list of the type used in scm/time-signature-settings.scm, where each
> ‘exception rule’ is of the form ((1/32 . (4 4 4 4))). And there’s no way of
> translating { 8.[ 32 32] 8.[ 32 32] } into such a rule.
>> Be that as it may, I would like to be sure that this beaming cannot be
>> done with a single \overrideTimeSignatureSettings at the outermost
>> context, that is, that individual passages will need to be marked to
>> achieve the desired beaming.
> Yes, this will require manual beaming.
> Yours, Simon
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