Am 31.08.2015 um 18:22 schrieb Marc Hohl:
Am 31.08.2015 um 15:41 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
Hello Marc,
this is a known issue: see
Ok, so I managed to shift the upper note heads by using extra-offset:

< g \tweak font-size #-3 \tweak Accidental.font-size #-3 \tweak extra-offset #'(-0.25 . 0) b > | < fis \tweak font-size #-3 \tweak Accidental.font-size #-3 \tweak extra-offset #'(-0.25 . 0) h! > |
    < e \tweak font-size #-3 \tweak extra-offset #'(-0.25 . 0) cis' > |
< d \tweak font-size #-3 \tweak extra-offset #'(-0.25 . 0) d' >~) | 1~ | 1~ | < d \tweak font-size #-3 d' >2
One problem remains: the upper ties are drawn as if the notes weren't 
shifted. How can I access the upper ties for reformatting? Is there a 
way to apply the shift amount to all control points simultaneously?
You could try the \shiftII function from openlilylib – or, if you use extra-offset anyway, apply that to the ties also.
(I tried shifting the smaller notes by \tweak X-offset #-0.25 first, 
but that does not seem to have any effect.)
Yes, because NoteColumn interferes.

Yours, Simon

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