Dear Thomas,
thanks! This did the trick!

2015-08-29 15:49 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <>:

> 2015-08-29 15:43 GMT+02:00 Stefan Thomas <>:
> > Dear community,
> > I'm trying to get smaller woodwind fingering charts, but without sucess.
> > Here is my code:
> > \version "2.18.2"
> >
> > \relative c'' {
> >   \textLengthOn
> >   c1^\markup { \woodwind-diagram #'saxophone #'((cc . (oneT  twoT three
> four
> > five six)) (lh . (b)) (rh . (eT))) }
> > c1^\markup {\tiny \woodwind-diagram #'saxophone #'((cc . (oneT  twoT
> three
> > four five six)) (lh . (b)) (rh . (eT))) } % it's the same
> > }
> Try:
> \markup {
>   \woodwind-diagram
>     #'saxophone
>     #'((cc . (oneT  twoT three four five six))
>        (lh . (b))
>        (rh . (eT)))
>   \override #'(size . 0.5) %% <===
>   \woodwind-diagram
>     #'saxophone
>     #'((cc . (oneT  twoT three four five six))
>        (lh . (b))
>        (rh . (eT)))
> }
> HTH,
>   Harm
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