THANK YOU! Beautiful. I'm learning... On 8/29/2015 10:41 AM, Robin Bannister wrote:
\version "2.18.2" %\include "ijr-jazzchords.ily" %\include "lilyjazz.ily" \header { title = "untitled..." composer = "Ian Rashkin" copyright = "© 2014 Ian Rashkin (BMI)" tagline = "refactored Re: hide repeat endings? lilypond-user 2015-08-29" %need blank to suppress lilypond marker } sl = { \improvisationOn \override Voice.Stem.stencil = ##f } nsl = { \improvisationOff \revert Voice.Stem.stencil } %%%%%%%%%% harmony initialHarmony = {} introHarmony = \chordmode { s1*8 } headHarmony = \chordmode { f1*8:7 \bar "||" \break des1*8:7 \bar "||" \break a1*8:7.9- \bar "||" \break bes1:7 c1:7 f1:min7 bes1:7 a1:min7+ d1:7 g1:min7 g1:7 c1:7 } turnaroundHarmony = \chordmode { bes1:9+.5+ \bar "|." \break } codaHarmony = \chordmode { bes1:9+.5+ c1:9+.5+ bes2:9+.5+ b2:7 \bar "|." } %%%%%%%%%% melody initialMelody = { \clef treble \key f \major \tempo "Fast Swing" 4 = 232 \time 4/4 \numericTimeSignature } introMelody = \relative c'' { \sl \repeat unfold 8 {\repeat unfold 4 {f4}} \nsl } headMelody = \relative c'' { f1~---> \repeat unfold 23 {f1~} | f2\accent-\bendAfter #-4.75 r2 d8 d8 c8 d,8 a'8 c8 r4 r4 aes8 c8 bes8 aes8 ees8 des8 d!8 ees8 aes8 c8 bes8 g8~ g8 r8 gis8 gis8 a8 d8 c8 fis,8~ fis8 r8 fis8 e8 c8 a8 d8 a'8-.-> r4 r4 bes8 bes8~ bes8 bes8 bes4 b8 b8~ b8 b8 b4 c4 d8 f8 c8 a8 \tuplet 3/2 {g8 a8 bes8} d8 c8 } turnaroundMelody = \relative c'' { bes8 aes8 g8 fis8~ fis8 r4. } codaMelody = \relative c'' { bes8 aes8 g8 fis8~ fis8 r8 b4 c8 bes8 a8 gis8~ gis8 r8 cis4 \tuplet 3/2 {bes4 aes4 g4} fis2 | } %%%%%%%%%% auxiliary initialAux = {} introAux = { <>-\markup {"Intro: Drums (+?) arhythmic improv"} s1*8 \bar "||" \break } headAux = { <>^\markup{ \translate #'(-6 . 2) \musicglyph #"scripts.segno"}_\markup{\override #'(line-width . 100) \italic \wordwrap-string #"* Use circular breathing, repetition, free improivisation, or whatrever you can to extend this note through all 24 bars (freely vary timbre, volume, intonation, etc.)"} s1*8 \bar "||" \break s1*8 \bar "||" \break s1*8 \bar "||" \break s1*8 s8*7 <>\coda s8 } turnaroundAux = { s8*5 <>_\markup {\translate #'(-30 . -5) { "solos " {\teeny \musicglyph #"scripts.segno"} " to end, coda on out head only"}} s8*3 } codaAux = { <>^\markup{ \translate #'(-6 . 2) \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"} s1*3 } %%%%%%%%%% paper \score { << \new ChordNames { \initialHarmony \introHarmony \headHarmony \turnaroundHarmony \codaHarmony } \new Voice \with { \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver" } << { \initialAux \introAux \headAux \turnaroundAux \codaAux } { \initialMelody \introMelody \headMelody \turnaroundMelody \codaMelody } >> >> \layout { indent = 0 ragged-last = ##t \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } } %%%%%%%%%% midi \score { << { \initialHarmony \introHarmony \headHarmony \turnaroundHarmony \headHarmony \codaHarmony } { \initialMelody \introMelody \headMelody \turnaroundMelody \headMelody \codaMelody } >> \midi { } }
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