Hello Michæl,

In the APL course I took years ago, the teacher said: « Exercice for the next 
two weeks : find out what this sample program (25 symbols altogether) does.
A guy says two weeks later: « It does this and that… but it took me two and a 
half hours to find out! »
And teacher answers: « Well, it took me two hours to write! »

In a review on languages in the Communications of the ACM a long time ago, each 
language was described by a caption and a short paragraph. Sample captions:
        APL : I can read hieroglyphs too.
        Prolog : If Prolog is the answer, then what was the question? (Don’t 
misunderstand me though, I loved this language…).


> Le 25 août 2015 à 01:37, Michael Gerdau <m...@qata.de> a écrit :
>> While guile is aimed at being an extension language, don't forget that
>> Scheme was taught at MIT for many, many years as the finest language to
>> give students a deep insight into computing and computer science (refer
>> SICP). [Sadly, they now teach Python instead. Real world practicality
>> defeated beauty, insight, and elegance. :-(]
> Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder..
> Anybody remembering APL ?
> THAT is a beautiful language and most likely totally unuseable for the
> vast majority of today's aspiring programmers :)
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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