If you add another \header{...} at the end of the \score{...}, both should be taken into account:
\score{ ... \header{piece = "..." } }
Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
Hi list !
I'm using Lily 2.0.1 on WinXP.
I've structured a four parts piece same as the orchestral example in Lilypond book, so that I can extract parts very easely. The problem is that the whole piece is divided into several pieces which has each a name.
My script has this shape :
\header { title = "MESSE POUR LES INSTRUMENTS" subtitle = "au lieu des orgues" opus = "H. 513" composer = "Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643-1704)" }
dessusI = \notes \relative c''' { \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style \time 2/2 \key c \major \clef "petrucci_g" \property Voice.Script \set #'padding = #1 a2 e4 fis (...) \bar "|." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%% dessusII = \notes \relative c'' { \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style \time 2/2 \key c \major \clef "petrucci_g" c4 b a2 (...) }
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% taille = \notes \relative c' { \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style \time 2/2 \key c \major \clef "petrucci_c3"
e4 d c2 (...)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% basse = \notes \relative c' { \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style \time 2/2 \key c \major \clef "petrucci_f"
a1 (...)
} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\score { \context StaffGroup ="tutti" << \context Staff ="1er_dessus" \dessusI \context Staff ="2ème_dessus" \dessusII \context Staff ="taille" \taille \context Staff ="basse" \basse >>
If I put another header bloc in the \note bloc, it doesn't take in account the major header bloc.
My questions is :
How and where do I put the different \header {piece=.....} blocks, so that they also appear when I extract parts ?
Thanks a lot and best regards !
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