Am 23.08.2015 um 21:39 schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:
Forgot to add \include "lilyjazz.ily". And still »lilyjazz-11« cannot be
found as well.
Tried to copy the files "lilyjazz-11" into the directory of the lilypond
source - does not help!
The following should work:
(1) put lilyjazz*.otf into
/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/ (You’ll need
the otf fonts for PDF output. svg and woff fonts are for svg output and
(2) put into ~/yourmusic/
(3a) put lilyjazz.ily into ~/yourmusic/
(3b) \include "lilyjazz.ily" in
Because you use 2.19.25 (and that’s > 2.19.11) you don’t have to change
fonts.scm or other files—it’s builtin now :)
Instead of (3a) and (3b) you can write the \paper block you posted in—you don’t need both. Have a look at lilyjazz.ily:
you’ll see that it has the same \paper block and some additional layout
tweaks and commands.
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