2015-08-19 19:46 GMT+02:00 tone <generalar...@yahoo.com>:
> Does anyone have a list of characters that are allowed in substitution
> functions.  I would like to make a list of chord names including fret
> position.  For example, the following name is allowed:
> g_dom_seven-three = \markup{ \override #'(size . 1.3) \fret-diagram-terse
> #"x;x;3;4;3;x;" }
> However, including a number in the name results in an error.  For example,
> any of the following names result in an error:
> g73
> g7_3
> g7-3
> g7.3
> For G7 at the third fret, things are fine.  However, chord names begin to
> get long for altered chords:  db_dom_seven_sharp_five_sharp_nine-eight
> Maybe someone has a better naming convention?

Did you even read my firstvreply here:

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