Sorry, that's to much for my tiny brain!

\version "2.18.2"

{ \voiceOne c'1-"p" c'1_"p" }

\displayLilyMusic { \voiceOne c'1-"p" }

{ c'1-"p" }

{ c'1-\markup \line { "p"} }

{ c'1-"p" }

On 16.08.2015 15:11, David Kastrup wrote:
Thomas Morley <> writes:


{ c'1-"p" }

is a shortcut for

{ c'1-\markup { "p" } }

both a TextScript.
Both a TextScript but with different meaning:

\displayLilyMusic { c'1-"p" }
\displayLilyMusic { c'1-\markup { "p" } }
\displayLilyMusic { c'1-\markup "p" }


{ c'1-"p" }

{ c'1-\markup \line { "p"} }

{ c'1-"p" }

In every case prepending a post-event with "-" means, let LilyPond
choose where to print.
This can be set/overridden in various mannors.

Soooooo, I've not the slightest idea where you see
errors/mistakes/faulty behaviour here.
More like "changed behavior" I think.  c-p used to mean c-"p" and now
means "c-p" (which is an error as music).  But since c-a never meant
anything useful with c-based note names, writing c-p would not have been
a good idea anyway.

So we are pretty much talking about "would do something close to useful
when you were lucky" behavior that changed.  I think that this change in
syntax even was the topic of some LilyPond Report article from Valentin
(who had relied on c-° being interpreted as c-"°" rather than "c-°").

There are sometimes changes like that where the basic expectation "my
old sources will continue working" is not met for all values of "my old
sources".  Which makes it a good idea to stick with conventions and
documented syntax rather than just throw stuff at LilyPond and stay with
anything that sticks.  It might still fall off eventually.

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