Am 14.08.2015 um 12:32 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
Just re my own suggestion of text spanners with text in the middle, although
the present need is for a repeat indication, I am well aware that this is poor
design, since a textual mark does not indicate a repeat structure to lilypond,
so it is architecturally incorrect, which would be grounds for rejecting such a
request for enhancement. But apart from repeats, I have many uses for text
centred in spanners, where the semantics are perfectly OK.
One could go even further and have text spanners with not only two or,
with centered text, three but an arbitrary number of texts evenly
distributed over the length of the spanner.
\override TextSpanner.texts = #("poco" "a" "poco" "stringendo")
And then one could also add the possibility to specify where a dashed
lines/hyphens should be.
\override TextSpanner.texts = #("poco" "a" "poco" "strin" "gen" "do")
\override TextSpanner.hyphens = #(#f #f #f #t #t)
Same for DynamicLineSpanners (poco a poco crescendo).
Maybe we can think a bit about the details and then have a feature
request (for centered text or for more texts or both).
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