I have used Lilypond successfully on Windows quite a few times, and want 
to try it in Linux. So I booted up a virtual machine using QEMU and 
tried to compile the basic test example:

   c d e f

but to my surprise it dies after a few minutes with error:

preproccessing graphical objects...killed

I turned on the verbose flag and see that it is hanging on (loading?)


I used standard Debian installer (2.18.2) and reinstalled, then even 
tried getting the install shell script from Lilypond 2.18.1

All seemed successful, but it fails

I watched the memory usage as it chugged away and saw that it ran out of 
RAM (1GB) after a couple of minutes then gave up.

I tried adding (virtual) swap file of 2GB, but it used up all that 
space, then same error message.

Any suggestions on how I can debug this?  What information would I need 
to see why it hangs on that OTF font?

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