Hello Noeck,

Usefully, 2.19.22 produces warnings regarding the tempororay voices, suggesting 
to supply voice or shift information :

 sv4kig/tmp2ZJ3qe/document.ly:23:17: Avertissement : ce contexte de voix 
rrequiert un réglage \voiceXx ou \shiftXx
    \new Voice {
                c'4. d'4}         % additional voice 3
 Avertissement : ce contexte de voix rrequiert un réglage \voiceXx ou \shiftXx
    \new Voice {s8 
                   c'4.}      % additional voice 2
 Avertissement : ce contexte de voix rrequiert un réglage \voiceXx ou \shiftXx
    \new Voice {c'4. 
                     d'4}         % additional voice 3


> Le 15 juil. 2015 à 20:40, Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Dear Ming,
> I would also do what Simon suggested. If you need additional voices
> temporarily, you can still do so and continue the first voice with your
> phrasing slur and add a new voice next to it:
> \version "2.18.2"
> \language "english"
> global = {
>  \key f \major
>  \numericTimeSignature
>  \time 6/8
>  \partial 8
>  \tempo 4=100
> }
> mux = { \global
>  c'8^\( | <f'a'>4. <<{f'8 g'8 a'8 |bf'4. }\\{f'4.~ f'4.}>> <f'a'>4\) %m
>  <<
>    {<d'g'>8^\( | f'8. e'16 f'8 } % starting slur here, say voice 1
>    \new Voice {s8 c'4.}      % additional voice 2
>  <e'g'>4 <e'g'c''>8 |%m          % still the same voice 1
>  <<
>    {<f'c''>4.~q4\)}              % still the same voice 1
>    \new Voice {c'4. d'4}         % additional voice 3
>>> <e'bf'>8 |%m
> }
> \score { \mux }
> Cheers,
> Joram
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