Unfortunately, LilyPond is not clever enough to handle the translation for the moment. I hope you know how to force the natural sign of the next note manually: just add an exclamation mark after the note name!
Frédéric Bron wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to print a turn sign with a sharp sign under it (for the lower note). With the manual, I found the following:
e4^\turn^\markup{ \teeny \sharp }
but there are two issues two such a method:
1. the sharp will not be translated by a \translate command (sometimes it has to become a natural sign)
2. a following natural note (here a "d") will not be printed with a natural sign in the same measure.
The best would be to have a notation like e4^\turn{ds}{fs} with an automatic print of the sharp sign if needed...
Is it possible already?
Thanks in advance,
Frédéric Bron
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