Hello group,
Is there a way to apply a NoteHead font-size once to a single music
expression and then combine it with one or more other music expressions
to get different notehead sizes on a single set of stems (i.e., one
Voice context)?
This is a common notation for pop music where there is typically one
lead vocal part with one or more harmony voices which are mixed lower.
Please see my tiny example below.
%%% Tiny Example %%%
\version "2.18.2"
%% Lead voice with backing harmony voices
leadVoice = \relative c'' { c4( d e2 ) }
bkgdVoiceI = \relative c'' { g4( b c2 ) }
bkgdVoiceII = \relative c'' { e4( f g2 ) }
%% Desired output
\new Voice \relative c'' {
<\tweak font-size #-3 g c \tweak font-size #-3 e >4(
<\tweak font-size #-3 b d \tweak font-size #-3 f >
<\tweak font-size #-3 c e \tweak font-size #-3 g >2 )
%% Actual output
\new Voice <<
\override NoteHead.font-size = #-3 {
\override NoteHead.font-size = -3 {
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