On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 08:33:26PM -0500, Daniel Contreras wrote:
> A common practice in arranging for salsa or Latin music I am
> finding out is that when one is dealing with a d.s. al coda and
> things of that nature, it may require for the staff to stop at the
> double bar line, notate the ds and so forth, and start fresh again
> on the next system. So to summarize, I want a marked up in the
> middle of where a staff should be, but no staff lines or notes or
> anything. Can someone lead me in the right direction to accomplish
> this? Thanks again, and sorry for the complicated explanation.
> Daniel Contreras 

This is not necessarily peculiar to latin/salsa, it is rather prevalent
in popular music of many idioms.

This may not be the cleanest way to do it, but I generally use
something like this, when I need something like what you're
referring to:

\version "2.18.2"

\score {
    \repeat unfold 12 { c'4 }
    \bar "||"
    s1 _\markup "Your D.S. markup here"
    \once \override Score.BarLine.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible

    % Your coda goes here:
    \repeat unfold 12 d'4
    \bar "|."

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