First, I'm not a politician and I'm not here to win a war :) My suggestion is
just a suggestion that have to be analyzed and in case it brings more
benefits than disavantages it should be considered; if an expert explains me
it is not advantageous I will not cry and I will be glad having learnt
something new.

Now regarding the issue, I suspect I have not been clear.

Attached is the snapshot of Pratch study #11


As you can see in the snapshot, hairpin begin on 'd8'  and end on "f4."
Could you please confirm me that in music language this means crescendo ends
on 'f4.' (d8' has the lower intensity and 'f4' the higher)
And if this is the case, why this code 

d4. e8\< (fis8 g8)
a4. b8 (a8 g8)
fis4\! a8 (fis8 d8)

does not work as written and I have to add 'override Hair....."?

My apologies if I don't understand something and thank you for your

P.S. Brian Barker reply about this subject on the mailing list (and CC to my
personal email) but his message never shows on the ML. Why?

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