Below is a polymetric snippet (eighth = eighth on the two staves). After 

the snippet I would like to continue with "polymetric turned off" -- 

that is, 6/8 on both staves and barlines connecting them. Then a few 

bars later back to "polymetric mode" like the snippet below. How do I do 

that? (I'm a Lilypond newbie.)




William zeitler


\layout {

  \context {


    \remove "Timing_translator"

    \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"


  \context {


    \consists "Timing_translator"

    \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"




\relative c' <<

  \new Staff {

    \time 5/8

    g''8 d g, a4 |

    g'8 d g, a4 |

    g'8 d g, a c16 bes |


  \new Staff {

    \time 4/8

    \clef "bass"

    g,,8 d' a' g |

    g,8 d' a' g |

    g,8 d' a' g |

    \time 3/8

    g,8 d' a' |




% At this point I want to go back to a common 6/8 time signature and

connecting the two staves.

% This doesn't work so I commented it out:


%\layout {

%  \context {

%    \Score

%    \consists "Timing_translator"

%    \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"

%  }



%\relative c' <<

%  \new Staff {

%    \time 6/8

%    g2. |

%  }

%  \new Staff {

%    \time 6/8

%    \clef "bass"

%    g,2. |

%  }


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