Dear LilyPonders,I wanted to use a great coloring function by Urs Liska, but ran into a problem with using systemStartDelimiterHierarchy. If I color a music section, the SystemStart of the next system after that section isn't displayed properly.
Anybody an idea how to solve this?
Attached an example.
\version "2.19.17" colorGrob = #(define-music-function (parser location my-grob my-color color-on) (symbol? color? boolean?) ;; check for the boolean argument (if color-on ;; either set the color for the grob type #{ \temporary \override #my-grob #'color = #my-color #} ;; or revert it #{ \revert #my-grob #'color #})) colorGrobs = #(define-music-function (parser location my-grob-list my-color color-on) (symbol-list? color? boolean?) (if (null? my-grob-list) ;; issue an empty music expression #{ #} #{ % color the first grob type of the current list \colorGrob #(car my-grob-list) #my-color #color-on % recursively call itself with the remainder % of the current list. \colorGrobs #(cdr my-grob-list) #my-color #color-on #})) colorMusic = #(let ((grob-names (map car all-grob-descriptions))) (define-music-function (parser location my-color music) (color? ly:music?) #{ \colorGrobs #grob-names #my-color ##t #music \stopStaff \colorGrobs #grob-names #my-color ##f \startStaff #})) colA = #(define-music-function(parser location music)(ly:music?) #{ \colorMusic #(rgb-color 0.72 0 0.196) #music #}) music = {\repeat unfold 40 a4} \new StaffGroup { << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = #'(SystemStartBar (SystemStartBrace (SystemStartBracket a b))) \new Staff \colA { <<{\voiceTwo a a\music \music}\new Voice \relative c''\colA {\music }>>} \new Staff {\music \music} >> }
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