Trevor Daniels wrote Wednesday, March 25, 2015 9:44 PM > Nathan Ho wrote Wednesday, March 25, 2015 9:01 AM > >> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Peter Heisen >> <> wrote: >>> >>> The LilyPond notation reference, section 2.1.2, >>> ( >>> contains the following example of how to use lyrics in concert with repeat >>> alternative endings. It compiles fine in version 2.18.2, showing both the >>> first and second endings complete with lyrics: >>> >>> [...] >>> >>> In the following modified example, the first beat of each ending has been >>> changed to a rest, and a syllable removed from the lyrics to match. Now >>> when compiled, it shows two first endings and two second endings.? >> >> It displays properly if you remove the \repeat ... \alternative >> structure from the lyrics: > ... >> The reason is that the lyric code creates first and second endings >> that line themselves up with the first lyric event they see, and it's >> not aware of the rests going on in the Staff. So you get two >> misaligned volta repeat systems, causing the funky output. >> >> I'm not entirely sure how to enter the structure into the lyrics in a >> way that lines up with the staff. Either way, I feel that the code in >> the documentation is misleading. > > Unfortunately there is no clear recipe for entering lyrics and > repeats which will work in all circumstances, as all the suggestions > are work-arounds due to there being no well-defined interface in > LilyPond for handling repeats in lyrics. The presence of rests is > a particular problem which does not figure in the examples in the > Notation Reference. Maybe it should, but the doc writers are > always wary of increasing the length of these already very large > manuals.
I hesitate to suggest this as it is such a hack, but if you need to use \unfoldRepeats with lyrics and have \alternative blocks which begin with rests, here is one way to achieve it: overlay the rest with a hidden note and insert a skip in the lyrics using \null, like this: lyrest = << { \once \hideNotes b } { \new Voice { b\rest } } >> \score { << \new Staff { \time 2/4 \new Voice = "melody" { \relative c'' { a4 a a a \repeat volta 2 { b4 b } \alternative { { \lyrest b } { \lyrest b } } } } } \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "melody" { Not re -- peat -- ed. \repeat volta 2 { Re -- peat } \alternative { { \markup \null twice. } { \markup \null twice. } } } } >> } But there's no way I'm going to put this in the manual! What I shall do, however, is add a warning about using repeat structures in lyrics when the \alternatives start with a rest. Trevor _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list