I used the first snippet posted by Simon for an Arrastres function. Then I
noticed Davids post for afterGrace so I tried my hand at that.

Both work but I have a few questions.

In the first posted by simon I did it my typical way. And it works like all
my other functions. Typically I use modified lily functions like bendAfter
(one of my favorite to use). In all cases I can't figure out how to add the
command in the function. So although it works it could be better.

Here is the code


\version "2.18.2"

Arrastres =


(parser location len

mus note)


ly:music? ly:music?)





\once \override Flag.stroke-style = #"grace"

\once \override NoteHead.extra-spacing-width = #`(,len . 1)

s1*0 \stemUp $note



mus = \relative c' {

\time 2/4

\key g \major

\stemDown dis16 fis dis b c a g \Arrastres #-3 fis \glissando c'8|

<a c>2


\score {




My question is where do I add \glissando in the function so I don't have to
write it everytime.

The second modified from the snippet posted by David afterGrace works great
and I even got it so i don't need \glissando. But again I have questions.

Here is the code


\version "2.18.2"

Fraction = #(cons 6 8)

Arrastres =

#(define-music-function (parser location len main grace) (number? ly:music?

(_i "Create @var{grace} note(s) after a @var{main} music _expression_.")

(let ((main-length (ly:music-length main))

(fraction (ly:parser-lookup parser 'Fraction)))






 (make-music 'SkipMusic

'duration (ly:make-duration

0 len

(* (ly:moment-main-numerator main-length)

(car fraction))

(* (ly:moment-main-denominator main-length)

(cdr fraction))))


\once \override Flag.stroke-style = #"grace"




'element grace)))




\relative c' {c \Arrastres #6 c e8 e}


well where to begin...

first why is Fraction = #(cons 6 8) and not Fraction = #(cons 1 1) or 2 2
etc. 6 8 seams rather small. Is it so in some cases there is not to much


'duration (ly:make-duration

0 len

was set 0 0 ... again why. I assume the first number is notes occupied? and
the second distance. Why 0 on the second. and isn't this just a recap of
Fraction = #(cons 6 8)? or is one gliss length and the other note distance
(both having the same effect -- so make one 0 )-- i assume.


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