Greetings All, I have a cadenza that will not break with an explicit bar and break command. What is going on? Version 2.19.20. The break shown will not be in this position, but it won’t break anywhere for me.
Andrew ==== \version "2.19.20" \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4" 'portrait) top-margin = 14\mm bottom-margin = 8\mm left-margin = 14\mm right-margin = 14\mm } treble = \relative c'' { \clef treble \time 1/4 \stemUp \cadenzaOn bes''8[ fis,, a, <cis b'> <gis g'> <dis' a' cis> <fis cis g> \bar "" \break <f, ges b dis> <ges aes> <ees' g> <g, b> cis gis' f' b, <fis c'> <dis fis> <dis a' cis> <f c' e> <f gis b dis> <b, d e a> <b gis' cis> <fis c e> ] \cadenzaOff c'4 } \score { \new Staff = "treble" \with { } { \treble } \layout { \context { \Staff \accidentalStyle Score.dodecaphonic } } }
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