2015-05-15 8:49 GMT+02:00 Murray-Luke Peard <murrayluke.pe...@gmail.com>:

> Actually, I've found an unintended consequence of this method, in that it
> changes the bar for all staves, not just the one in question. See the
> circle in the graphic below - all bar lines at this point were changed, not
> just the top line

Yep. The \bar "whatever" - command is applied to the whole score. To get a
different bar-line in only one Staff of Score you have to set the
whichBar-property accordingly.

Like the code below (using a second Voice for controlling, as Simon
suggested already):

m = {
  \time 3/2 \repeat unfold 3 { c''1 }

ctrl = {
  \repeat unfold 2 { s1. \bar "b" }

ctrl¹ = {
  s1. \once \set Staff.whichBar = "S" s \once \set Staff.whichBar = "|"

\new Staff << \m \ctrl >>
\new Staff << \m \ctrl¹ >>
\new Staff \m
\new Staff \m

> (and what's going on with the bottom line, I don't know).

No idea what's causing it.
Could you provide a tiny example?

> [image: Inline images 1]
> M-L
> On Fri, 15 May 2015 at 10:57 Murray-Luke Peard <murrayluke.pe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> This is the solution that worked for me. One problem I had was that if
>> the note goes over a bar line (as in the first example), the bar line is
>> drawn before you specify the bar type, and you get two bar lines (see
>> second example).
>> In the third example, I set the defaultBarType before specifying the
>> note, which causes the right bar line to be drawn. Then I set it back
>> again. It's a bit fiddly, but the result is exactly what I'm looking for.
>> --
>> % setup as before in the previous email
>> {
>>   % without any changes to bar lines
>>   \time 3/2
>>   a'1 b' c''
>> }
>> {
>>   % draw bar line with specific type (get two bar lines, as the b' causes
>> a bar line to be drawn as well
>>   \time 3/2
>>   a'1 b' \bar "b" c''
>> }
>> % shortcuts
>> fullBar = { \set Timing.defaultBarType = "|" }
>> splitBar = { \set Timing.defaultBarType = "b" }
>> {
>>   % set default bar line before drawing b', then set it back again
>>   \time 3/2
>>   a'1 \splitBar b' \fullBar c''
>> }
>> The result looks like this:
>> Where the last one is what I was aiming for.
>> Thanks everyone for your help!
Btw, I'd prefer you'd attach images. Per default, I always filter in-line
images, maybe others as well.
Or give a hint that inline-images are present, then I'll look up your mail
in the archives.

>> Murray-Luke
>> On Thu, 14 May 2015 at 20:41 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> 2015-05-14 8:51 GMT+02:00 Alexander Kobel <n...@a-kobel.de>:
>>> > On 2015-05-14 05:09, Murray-Luke Peard wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> [...]
>>> >> One is to use the Mensurstriche layout, which has bar lines between
>>> >> staves but not through them. My preferred option is to move the
>>> barline
>>> >> up or down if the note is low or high, and split it if the note is in
>>> >> the middle.
>>> >>
>>> >> I've been able to move the barline up and down with the following
>>> >> commands:
>>> >>
>>> >> upBar = { \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(0.5 . 3) }
>>> >> downBar = { \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(-3 . -0.5) }
>>> >>
>>> >> And reset it to normal with
>>> >>
>>> >> fullBar = { \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2) }
>>> >>
>>> >> But I can't figure out how to get the split bar line. Ideally, it
>>> would
>>> >> look something like :
>>> >>
>>> >> topPart = { \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(2 . 3) }
>>> >> bottomPart = [ \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-extent = #'(-3 . -2) }
>>> >>
>>> >> but both at the same time!
>>> >>
>>> >> Can anyone suggest how I might achieve this?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Hi Murray-Luke,
>>> >
>>> > I had the exact same problem a few days ago, in a different context
>>> (read
>>> > the thread "TimeSignatures over BarLines" from May 07 here:
>>> > <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2015-05/msg00276.html
>>> >).
>>> > The problem is that the BarLine is drawn only once, and the most recent
>>> > extent is taken. There is a solution however: to draw the short BarLine
>>> > twice, and move one of the instances as necessary. The code is as
>>> follows:
>>> >
>>> > \once \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil =
>>> > #(lambda (grob)
>>> >    (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'bar-extent '(-3 . -2))
>>> >    (ly:stencil-add
>>> >     (ly:bar-line::print grob)
>>> >     (ly:stencil-translate-axis (ly:bar-line::print grob) 5 Y)))
>>> >
>>> > If you want two stubs of different length, you have to work a little
>>> bit
>>> > harder, but this should get you started.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > HTH,
>>> > Alexander
>>> Hi Murray-Luke,
>>> alternatively you could define your own bar-lines, leading to:
>>> \version "2.19.18"
>>> #(define (make-up-tick-bar-line grob extent)
>>>   (let* ((line-thickness (layout-line-thickness grob))
>>>          (thickness (* (ly:grob-property grob 'hair-thickness 1)
>>>                        line-thickness))
>>>          (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
>>>          (height (interval-end extent)))
>>>     (ly:round-filled-box (cons 0 thickness)
>>>                          (cons height (+ height staff-space))
>>>                          0)))
>>> #(define (make-down-tick-bar-line grob extent)
>>>   (let* ((line-thickness (layout-line-thickness grob))
>>>          (thickness (* (ly:grob-property grob 'hair-thickness 1)
>>>                        line-thickness))
>>>          (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
>>>          (bottom (interval-start extent)))
>>>     (ly:round-filled-box (cons 0 thickness)
>>>                          (ordered-cons bottom (- bottom staff-space))
>>>                          0)))
>>> #(define (make-both-tick-bar-line grob extent)
>>>   (ly:stencil-add
>>>     (make-up-tick-bar-line grob extent)
>>>     (make-down-tick-bar-line grob extent)))
>>> #(add-bar-glyph-print-procedure "u" make-up-tick-bar-line)
>>> #(define-bar-line "u" "u" #f #f)
>>> #(add-bar-glyph-print-procedure "d" make-down-tick-bar-line)
>>> #(define-bar-line "d" "d" #f #f)
>>> #(add-bar-glyph-print-procedure "b" make-both-tick-bar-line)
>>> #(define-bar-line "b" "b" #f #f)
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> %% EXAMPLE
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> {
>>>   r1 \bar "u" r \bar "u" \break
>>>   r \bar "d" r \bar "d" \break
>>>   r \bar "b" r \bar "b" \break
>>> }
>>> HTH,
>>>   Harm
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