On Aug 10, 2004, at 11:28 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

On 10-Aug-04, at 7:39 PM, Benjamin Esham wrote:

- In concert band music, multi-measure rests always appear as a thick
horizontal bar with vertical flares at each end-- for an example of this,
see the 17-measure rest in the "Multi measure rests" section in the
documentation. Is it possible to force lilypond to always use this kind
of rest, regardless of the length of the rest?

AFAIK, Lilypond automatically does this if you're using R rests (instead of
r rests). Or did you want to display partial-measure rests like this?

I don't quite understand what you want.

To see what I'm talking about, take a look at the first example image in the
"Multi measure rests" section of the user manual. The 17-measure rest is as
I described it above, while the 4-measure rest is displayed differently. I'm
trying to get all of the multi-measure rests to be displayed like the 17-
measure example (as I said, this seems to be the standard in every concert
band piece I've seen).

Benjamin D. Esham      {      http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      }      AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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