On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 04:32, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> The only problems related to TeX setup I have seen during the last years 
> are:
> - That setup.exe doesn't always get the dependencies right, so the
>    tetex-* packages are not installed. => Cygwin problem!

I had this problem, but worked my way through it.  But I'm a programmer,
and I wanted Cygwin, so I had ulterior motives.

> - A few people who already have some other TeX installation on their
>    systems and have set some environment variables that conflict with
>    teTeX. => Hard to avoid, but this affects only a very small number of
>    users so it may confuse more people than it helps if we add some hint
>    in the documentation.
I had this problem also -- it was a real bugger to work through.  I had
set up TeX as desired by WinEDT, which has a very nice TeX interface,
but it wasn't using the same TeX as lilypond.  I don't remember how I
fixed it, but it took the better part of a weekend.

> Do you have any other TeX related problems in mind?

Nope.  I don't fault lilypond at all for its installation.  I think it's
really quite easy as long as you're willing to do the Cygwin thing (and
I was).  It's just not very much like installing a typical windows
program.  So Windows novices (rather than power users), especially those
who have never used a command line interface (and there are a bunch of
them), still won't find setting up and running lilypond to be a
"familiar" task.


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