Hi Stephen

I didn't see the file which produced the PDF you attached in your first message... If you post it in this list I may add a link in github wiki to offer a workaround for quarter tone bends.


Il giorno sab 2 mag 2015 alle 19:24, Marc Hohl <m...@hohlart.de> ha scritto:
Am 02.05.2015 um 15:12 schrieb Stephen MacNeil:
> Hi Marc
> >Yes, please! Is it based on bend.ily, or did you wrote it from scratch?
> I>IRC, 1/4 bends were possible in bend.ily ...
> It uses definitions.ily which I believe is based on bend.ily i think.

Yes. I wasn't aware of this file being renamed (and I did not see this
message when I answered your private message).

> Great work by the way! And yes quarter tones are possibly however It
> dies if the tab is printed.

Oh. I think I included the glyphs ΒΌ and so on but apparently, this is a
font issue.

> This never bothered me as I removed the tab
> sections from the file anyway, and it works without it. Anyway as I said > this is a "Band Aid" solution, basically it just adds whatever you put > in 1 1/3 2 1/4 etc by covering the old marking (not a great solution) > and changes the accidental. Hence Band aid! It allows printing them with
> tab, which is what was needed.

I see.



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