MING TSANG wrote Sunday, May 03, 2015 11:48 AM

> I coded soprano staff to bar 20 ---- compile in v2.19.19 and no notes 
> displayed.

> Then I continue to code piano-right staff to bar 6   ---- compile in v2.19.19 
> and I can see notes appear on soprano staff but only up to bar 7 's first 
> g'2.  Partial bar 7 to bar 20 disapear.  Piano-right display bar 1-6 as 
> expected.  However, bar 7 -20 also displayed with staff lines.   Piano-left 
> staff display bar 1 as expected because only bar 1 is coded.

> Then I switch to compile v2.18  all 20 bar of soprano staff appears, however 
> piano-right staff display all 6 bars that is coded. Bar 7 - 20 display staff 
> lines (no notes are expected - not coded yet).   piano-left display as 
> expected.     Strange .....

This is a consequence of Issue 2010, I believe, applied to version 2.19.16, 
which seems to do strange things when contexts terminate before others.  In 
developing the satb.ly built-in template I found I had to ensure all contexts 
which run out of notes prematurely had to be kept alive to avoid strange 
effects like this.

I suggest you consider using the built-in template for simple vocal pieces
which you may find easier to use anyway and which avoids this effect.  I've 
attached your source code converted to use it, as a teaser.

\version "2.19.19"
\language "english"

\header {
  title = "求主教我如何禱告"
  subtitle = "Lord, Teach Me How To Pray"
  composer = "曲: 黄楨茂"
  poet = "詞 : 陳供生"
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

Layout = \layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Melody_engraver"
    \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()

Time = {
  \key ef \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Moderato" 4=100

SopranoMusic =  {
  r1 r1 r1 r1 \break %m01-04
  r2 r4 bf4 |%m05
  ef'4. f'8 g'8 ef'8 ef'8. f'16 |%m06
  g'2. bf4 |%m07
  c'4. d'8 ef'8 f'8 e'8. c'16 |\break %m08
  bf2. g'8 g'8 |%m09
  af'4. c''8 af'8 g'8 f8( g'8)|%m10
  af'2. af'8 g' |%m11
  f'4. g'8 g'8 f'4 ef'8 |\break %m12
  bf'2. bf4 |%m13
  ef'4. g'8 bf'4 \tuplet 3/2{c''8 bf' g'} |%m14
  af2. af'4 |%M15
  af4. g'8 f'4 \tuplet 3/2{g'8 f' ef'} |\break %m16
  f'2. bf8 bf8 |%m17
  ef'4. f'8 g'8 bf'4 ef'8 |%m18
  c''2. ef'8 f' |%m19
  g'8 bf'4 g'8 f'4. ef'8 |\break %m20

SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode {
  施 恩 座 前 向 主 求 告, 所 有 己 意 讓 主 青
  掃, 愛 的 聲 音 已 在 呼 召, 要 我 向 祂 順 服 投


PianoRHMusic =   {
  r2 r4 bf4|%m01
  <g ef'>4. <bf f'>8 <<{g'8 bf'8}\\{ef'4}>> <c'ef'>8. <c'f'>16 |%m02
  <bf ef'g'>2. bf4 |%m03
  <<{c'4. d'8 ef'8 g'8}\\{g2 c'4}>> <bf g'>8. <af f'>16 |%m04
  <g bf ef'>2. bf4 |%m05
  <g ef'>4. <bf f'>8 <<{g'8 bf'8}\\{ef'4}>> <c'ef'>8. <cf'f'>16 |%m06

PianoLHMusic =   {
  r1 %m01


SopranoInstrumentName = "S."
SopranoShortInstrumentName = "S."
SopranoMidiInstrument = "choir aahs"
PianoInstrumentName = "Pno."
PianoShortInstrumentName = "Pno."

\include "satb.ly"
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