On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi David,
> This looks pretty amazing so far — thanks for the great work!
> When I try to apply it to a score with edition-engraver tweaks, it doesn’t
> seem to colour anything tweaked using the EE.
> It does seem to colour things tweaked otherwise (e.g., in the “content”).
> Maybe I’m doing something wrong? I’m simply using
>     \colorOverride \theScore

Could you clarify how you are defining \theScore here?  Are you defining
the score with \new Score { [...] } minus a layout block?  I bring this up
because I can't see how errors wouldn't arise if you do it any other way.

More details:

If you do the following--

theScore =
\score {



You can get the score appear with


\theScore \layout { }

However, you can't apply the music function \colorOverride to \theScore:

\colorOverride \theScore

returns the error

wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting music, found #<Score>

Of course, if you put \colorOverride within the score somewhere like:

theScore =
\score {
  \new Staff {

all is well.

However, you can do

theScore =
\new Score {




\colorOverride \theScore

will work fine, because \theScore is a music expression


Does this logic apply to what you're doing, or is there another way?

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