> To do something like you want, you really would need access to context
> properties....

Ok — good to know I haven't missed some simple solution.

It seems like there ought to be some way of smuggling information out of an
\applyContext. But I guess there's a variable scope issue that keeps you
from doing it straightforwardly:

k = "OOPS"
text = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)

              #(lambda (context)
                                                (set! k
 (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
      (display k)
    \transpose #(ly:make-pitch 0 0) #k #music
                                            \score {

          \new Staff {
                                                  \key a \major

          \test { Fa So La fa so }


In that code, the (display k) works fine, displaying #<Pitch a>. But then the
\transpose #(ly:make-pitch 0 0) #k #music gets ahold of the global
definition of #k rather than the local one and so you end up with a type
error: expecting pitch, found "OOPS".

So maybe the question is, does Lilypond Scheme have anything like global
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