2015-04-23 12:37 GMT+02:00 Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>:
> Am 22.04.2015 um 22:58 schrieb Thomas Morley:
>> I don't think it's a problem to get new functionality into LilyPond,
>> _if_  it's coded properly.
>> Sometimes people are scared by a maybe too rough tone, though.
>> [...]
> It *is* a problem, and not only about code quality. More than once I
> abandoned a patch before the quality of the code was even considered but
> because of fruitless discussions about use cases, when for example using
> LilyPond to copy from existing sheet music is labelled a "private use-case
> of a single developer".
> So actually I'm not too motivated providing patches for LilyPond when I can
> also implement what I need in openLilyLib. I think this is still better for
> LilyPond than if I' had completely quit.
> Actually I'm quite convinced that this situation has a notable impact on the
> overall development activiyt.

I agree with Urs - in my opinion LilyPond is not developer-friendly
enough.  Actually it's one of the reasons why I was away for so long -
the friction in the community caused me to loose some motivation to
work on LilyPond.  And I'm not the only one.


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