On 25/04/2015 01:28, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Wol,
Hi Kieren, Thomas
So I'm now having another go, and it's just blown up again !!! :-(
It seems to me that there is too much "addressing one issue", when my big
problem is conflicting solutions! In other words, the solution to one problem promptly
screws up the solution to another!
You need to apply the solution correctly to all grobs that are affected, i.e.,
both RehearsalMark and TextScript (and maybe MetronomeMark, if you ever use
it). You can’t honestly expect that we, having taught you that 2+2=4 and 2+3=5,
also must work out 3+2 for you. Lilypond “programming” (such as it is) requires
that you take examples of fixes and tools, and apply them beyond the explicit
example that was first illustrated.
Except to do that, I need a knowledge of tweaks, and scheme, and what
properties to mess about with.
In other words, I need to be an expert in lilypond to get even basic
stuff working right!!! This goes back to my comment about "addressing
one issue" - I've just tried to do what you asked me to do here, and
it's one step forward, two steps back :-(
Take the "Allegretto con Moto" "Take 2nd on D.S." issue. In the original pdf,
they were \markup's stacked above each other.
"Allegretto con Moto" should be a MetronomeMark.
"Take 2nd on D.S.” should be a RehearsalMark.
Each grob was created for a reason — please use them correctly.
I have now tried converting "Take 2nd on D.S." into a \mark
but it breaks Kieren's fix for the stacking! :-(
Then apply to RehearsalMark the tweak I gave you for TextScript. Does that not
fix the problem?
it really cannot handle colliding markups very well (sorry Kieren!)
And here I am, making exactly this moan YET AGAIN, having tried to do
exactly what you told me! :-(
Please don’t blame the tool. In the last 10,000-frame score (50 staves x 200
measures) I compiled, which contained thousands of markups, the number of
tweaks I had to make to RehearsalMarks, MetronomeMarks, and TextScripts put
together was incredibly low (somewhere around 20).
I’m not discounting your frustration — I’m sure it’s real and constant. But
Lilypond is not the main problem here.
As you suggested, I changed "Allegretto con moto" to a metronome mark
(that's \tempo, right?) Instant result? STAIRCASING MARKUP AGAIN :-( wtf
do I adjust now? The documentation is great at telling you HOW to change
things, but not WHAT to change. I don't know scheme, I don't know what
to change, Google is useless ... where do I find out what the properties
are and which one I need to change?
And, I'm not quite sure of what it was before, but having changed "Take
2nd to D.S." to a rehearsal mark as you suggest, what do I get?
STAIRCASING MARKUP AGAIN as it collides with the volta spanner! The text
is supposed to be to the left of the barline, the spanner above and to
the right. There's no collision, so how do I tell lily to put them on
the same level?
I know I'm imposing on you, expecting a load of help, but this IS a big
frustration. Why should I need to be delving so deeply into tweaks,
properties, and all that just to do something as simple as getting two
markup thingys (of whatever sort) to print NEXT to each other instead of
ABOVE each other :-( I know I'm being a pain, but if you're looking at
persuading more people to jump into the pool, how many people hit these
problems and silently jump out again :-(
And sorry, but yes, just before I've hit send, I *have* gone to the
website, and *have* looked at the documentation, and everything seems to
be aimed either at getting the NOTES in the right place, or WRITING NEW
CODE. I can't see anything on the documentation page that looks like
it's supposed to tell you what scheme properties are available for
tweaking. Is the only way to find out, to start digging into the code?
(NB - don't rush to reply - I'm doing this in a few snatched moments
before going to bed - my alarm will be going off in only a few hours for
a "silly o clock" start to work so I'm going to bed in a few minutes...)
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