On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 06:15:13AM +0000, Keith OHara wrote:
> Michael Hendry <hendry.michael <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > I routinely put the bar checks at the _beginnings_ of the bars,
> > thus...
> > 
> >     | a4 b c d
> >     | a8 b c d e f g a
> >     | a16 b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b
> > 
> That works very nicely. 
> When I had a measure that took more than one line of input, I used to
> try to make that clear by indenting the continuation line a bit
> further, but that was lost on any auto-indenting.  Now I can just
>   | \acciaccatura d,8 <b, g>4.(\ff )b8 a4.( )g8
>   | a4.( )c8 b4.( )a8
>   | \acciaccatura ais8 b8[-.\fz ]b-. b[-.\fz ]b-.
>   b[-.\fz ]b-. \acciaccatura ais8 b[-.\fz ]b-.
>   | <c, d b>8 r <c, c a>8\downbow r \acciaccatura d, <b, g>2
> and I can easily find my measures.

Am I the only one who puts bar checks at *both* the beginning and end of
a bar?

        | a4 b c d |
        | e f g a |


Who told you to swim in Crocodile Lake without life insurance??

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