Hello, everyone!
May I suggest having this project hosted on Github also?
The facilities on Github enables better managements of issues, goal, test
cases, and of course, the codebase itself, especially code merges.
In addition, programmers unaware of / non-subscribing this mail-list can also
contribute by making pull requests, as in any open-sourced projects.
To push it forward, I need consent of anyone else who have also contribute the
code, and agree on the license GPL v3.
Thank you!
David Zhang
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Paul Morris";<p...@paulwmorris.com>;
发送时间: 2015年4月26日(星期天) 上午6:18
收件人: "Super-User"<david...@qq.com>;
抄送: "MING TSANG"<tsan...@rogers.com>; "lilypond-user"<lilypond-user@gnu.org>;
主题: Re: Jianpu Notation
On Apr 24, 2015, at 12:43 AM, Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:
> I just spotted \time 3/4 or 4/4, jianpu display " 6 - ." , I think it should
> be "6 - -".
Yes, this is a “known issue”. I have started working on it, but it’s a bit
beyond the things I am familiar with and already know about. (I have gotten it
to add the right number of dashes, but the dots are still being displayed when
they shouldn’t. Work for another day…)
I’m attaching a new version that fixes this.
However, I see now that really a different approach is needed. Basically whole
notes and half notes should be converted into the equivalent number of quarter
notes, with the first one displayed as a number and the rest as dashes. That
way the spacing will be much better.
I’ve started experimenting with this. It will take using a music function.
This will also allow automatically inserting markups for the octave dots, which
will then make it easier to have beams that span more than one note. So there
are several benefits to this approach.
I’ll try to see if I can work on it when I have time...
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