Hi Wol,

> I have in general with lilypond - it tries to avoid collsions by separating 
> stuff vertically. How do I tell it to push them apart *horizontally*

I have often asked about devising (and paying for) an automated system for this.
Unfortunately, nobody has taken me up on my offer yet.

> I have seven bars rest in a part. I want some markup starting at the first 
> barline, and different markup ending at the last barline. If a part has 
> notes, those markups will separate horizontally naturally - how can I force 
> that to happen when there's that rest?

\override Score.RehearsalMark.extra-spacing-width = #’(-0.5 . 0.5)

should help. Adjust the values to suit your needs.

> And secondly, I want a coda sign at the end of an alternative. Of course, it 
> collides with the repeat spanner

Did you try \once \override Score.Script.X-offset = #5 or similar?

> The problem with the docu or lsr snippet I found (can't remember which) was 
> (a) it supposedly shortened all spanners - which I don't want

Did you use \once?

> colliding notation is VERY common, and lily really doesn't handle it very 
> well at all

I disagree with that strong language. I think Lilypond does very well with 
almost all collisions — so well, that we take it for granted. However, I agree 
that certain collisions are not handled gracefully, nor are there adequate (and 
adequately simple) mechanisms for tweaking. That’s where development efforts 
need to be focused.

> as soon as lily starts staircasing markup it wastes a heck of a lot

My first tweak, applied in a \context block, should stop that from happening.

Hope this helps!


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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