Hi Wol,

> What I'd like to see is worked, documented examples.

I’m happy to supply a few… But there are so many questions:

1. Where would they be kept?

2. How “rich” would the examples need to be, or not be? Even just a one-page 
excerpt from my Passacaglia for String Quartet would require something on the 
order of 20 separate files (stylesheets, general tweaks and functions, etc.), 
which I think would be off-putting for someone just starting out.

3. How would questions of style (e.g., I am now a total crusader against 
\relative mode) be resolved?

etc. etc. etc.

If this is to be part of the official documentation, I imagine it will be even 
more difficult getting something like that approved than a code patch (which 
has fairly rigorous “black-and-white” rules), which as you may know is 
notoriously difficult to get approved.

> I also keep seeing a lot of stuff about "separating notes from layout".
> I try to do that, but again, a documented example would be great.

Again, happy to do it… once the questions are answered satisfactorily.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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