I am doing work for a client involving fretboard diagrams. He does not
like that the default barred chords show the dots in between the
outermost strings involved.
Is there a way to turn off the dots "in the middle" of a barred fret? I
can do it when I create a fretboard markup diagram. What I would like to
do is be able to define this in an alternate fret table as described here:
In defining the new fretboard I tried removing the string definition all
together (works in markup freboards), and tried setting the string to
"1-0" to remove the dot, all to no avail. Below is code illustrating
what I mean.
James Worlton
\version "2.19.18"
#(define custom-fretboard-table-one (make-fretboard-table))
\storePredefinedDiagram #custom-fretboard-table-one
"1-1-(;3-3;3-4;2-2;1-0;1-1-);" % the "1-0" on the 2nd string doesn't
remove the dot
names = {
\chordmode {
\set predefinedDiagramTable = #custom-fretboard-table-one
fmajorchord = ^\markup { \fret-diagram #"c:6-1-1;6-1;5-3;4-3;3-2;1-1;" }
\score {
\new ChordNames { \names }
\new FretBoards { \names }
\new Staff { f'1 }
\new Dynamics { s1^"how I want it:" \fmajorchord }
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