I'm trying to make a title/cover page within LilyPond.  I'm aware of the 
possibility of workarounds:

lilypond-book/LaTeX; Strikes me as a bit ham-fisted, not sure if I would run 
into trouble as I've seen the warning about \pageBreak not playing well with 

Create separate title/cover page in LaTeX and assemble the PDFs; seems a bit 
kludgy, though should work just fine.  Failing any more integrated approach I 
would probably do this.

I tried to find a LilyPond-only solution but have yet to succeed.  What I would 
like is to have a fairly simple page; composer, title, and instrument.  All 
centered, in a column, all in a fairly large font with the title being quite 
large.  It would be very nice if these items could be taken from those relative 
fields in the overall \header{} block.

Does such a solution already exist?  If not, isn't this something that should 
be available?


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